You know the feeling, it gets to 5pm and you start asking yourself, your partner, your kids, AI, what would you like for dinner"? Silence reverberates through the room in response. Then it becomes a mad scramble to find what (if any) food in the fridge is still edible while the kids are starting to whine in chorus I’m hungry as you raid your pantry and wonder what variation on tinned tomatoes and beans you can make, again (or is that just me?), so you find some crackers to appease the kids and your masterpiece ends up an interesting combination of healthy ingredients that don’t quite add up to a tasty meal, even when you grate cheese on top and the kids don’t eat it so you find some bread with butter and that is that. Another successful dinner done!

There were so many times, even us, with a food business, that we wished for an alternative. Something easy and convenient that we could feed our family or friends when they came over, that didn’t have the hidden cost of refined oils, processed additives like emulsifiers, farmed meats full of hormones, added sugar or any of the other many things that end up in food products that are no good for us.

We are starting out with some of our most family-friendly meals, those with flavours, herbs and spices that everyone loves and we will grow them from there.

You can place your order for them Monday and Thursday (before 2pm) and have them home delivered Tuesdays, or collect them from two delicious locations:


The Truth About Ready Meals: What They Don’t Want You to Know


Gluten free, better or worse?